intro level meditations (FREE DOWNLOADS)
Looking for a taste of what it’s like to practice with Mettagroup and George Haas? Here’s a great way to dive right in with some simple guided meditations. Each one is about ten minutes long and is suitable for all levels. Looking to go a bit deeper? Check out the eight-week intensive courses below, or sign up for our daily Morning Meditation.
These downloadable courses are great option for students who can't attend our classes, or simply want to experience the teachings at their own pace. Captured live with teacher George Haas, each course includes eight recordings with instruction and guided meditations, and class study materials.
This is where it all begins - by establishing a base level meditation practice you can learn the practical skills that lead you on the path to greater insight, healthier relationships and a happier life.
This 20-part course takes you through all the techniques and basic theories that lead to a consistent and fruitful meditation practice.
If asked, “what makes life meaningful?” I would answer, “being authentically yourself in your relationships with other people and in the pursuit of your life’s work.” - George Haas
This course looks at using your meditation practice to come into radical acceptance of yourself as you are now without wanting to change anything and, using John Bowlby’s attachment theory as a model for understanding how we connect with other people, how we can be completely ourselves in our relationships with others and with our work - in other words, how to live a living a meaningful life.
The meditation techniques covered in these recordings are specific, simple and easy-to-do. You can benefit whether you already have an established practice or are just beginning.
Dharma Maps
“The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.” – Buddha
What is enlightenment? Bodhi, in both Pāli and Sanskrit, is the word most often translated into English as “enlightenment.” A better translation might be “to awake, become aware, notice, know, to understand.” What does it mean to be awake? Or perhaps, more importantly, how does one wake up, become enlightened?
This intermediate level course for experienced meditators offers descriptions and step-by-step guides for organizing your insight practice toward the (non) goal of enlightenment. There many such maps, the trick is to find one that works for you since there is no universal approach.
The Dharma Maps includes: The Seven Factors of Enlightenment, The Sixteen Stages of Insight, The Four Stages of Enlightenment, and the Ten Fetters, and work with the commentaries: The Progress of Insight by Mahasi Sayadaw, Mastering the Core Practices of the Buddha by Daniel Ingram and The Pros and Cons of Dharma Maps by Shinzen Young.
As evidenced by George's own personal path, mindfulness meditation-based skills training can offer a truly effective behavioral change in the realm of addiction. This course offers practical skills training for people dealing with addiction and addiction-related issues, with specific techniques and strategies to support healing.
The instruction is offered as a secular practice, without any prescription for belief. The Buddhist context of the meditation instruction is included so that students can reference the original texts if that interests them, but it is not required.
The course addresses addictions to substances and behaviors, using both abstinence and harm-reduction models.