How to Give the Adult Attachment Interview
SATURDAY, September 9, 9am - 1:15pm PT


The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) is the best instrument currently available for assessing someone’s Attachment orientation. Giving the AAI is the starting point for decoding someone’s attachment conditioning. For the scores to be reliable, the answers to the interview questions need to be scorable. If you give your student/client the AAI, do you know what information you are gathering so you know what prompts to use to ensure that the answers you have been given are scorable? If not, this workshop is for you.

The purpose of this workshop is to explain the aim of each question so you know whether you have gathered the information necessary for scoring. George Haas and Deane Dozier will go question by question to ensure you understand what you are doing when giving the AAI.

The cost is on a sliding scale from $70-$140, which can be contributed via the registration form below.


“How to Give the Adult Attachment Interview” is the first in a series of workshops on Mettagroup’s Meditation x Attachment, a meditation-based system for repairing attachment disturbances in adults. If you have any questions, for more information, call Mettagroup at 213-378-0489 or email


George Haas moved to Los Angeles from New York to work in film and photography in 1992, when he started practicing Vipassanā at Ordinary Dharma in Venice, and studying Buddhist texts extensively. In 1998 he began study with his current teacher, Shinzen Young, at Vipassanā Support International, where he is now a senior facilitator. He began teaching meditation in 2000, founded Mettagroup in 2003, and became an empowered teacher through Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society, where he taught from 2007 to 2016. Along with regular multi-week intensives with the Mettagroup community, a weekly podcast and a daily schedule with one-on-one students, he’s also an artist with works in the permanent collections of the Hammer Museum, the Library of Congress, MoMA and the American Irish Historical Society.

Deane Dozier earned her BS degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Physical Education and Health, did post graduate work in the field of public health at the University of Vermont, She received her certification as a "highly qualified" coder of the Adult Attachment Interview from Dr. Mary Main at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2006, and she attended a workshop on advanced AAI coding with Drs. Mary Main and Erik Hesse in 2010. She received her certification as a reliable coder of Reflective Functioning from Dr. Howard Steele at The New School for Social Research in New York City in March, 2016. She became certified to code ABC classifications on the Strange Situation Procedure in June of 2017 at the University of Minnesota with Dr. Alan Sroufe, Dr. Elizabeth Carlson and Robert Weigand. She has coded over 2,500 AAI transcriptions for research projects for universities and clients around the globe. Deane is also a web designer, author of guidebooks on the Virginia outdoors and a wildlife photographer.