Meditation x Addiction

FRIDAY, January 19
7pm PT (approx. 75 min.)

We form addictions when the pains of life become intolerable. You can’t tell someone “Just stop using” without offering alternative ways of handling and healing these painful thoughts and emotions. Mettagroup offers a systematic approach to reduce the pain to the point where addiction is no longer needed to cope. Working with procedural memory (unlike cognitive training, which can still be hijacked by stress), this mindfulness meditation-based work enables powerful, sustainable change in behaviors around addiction.


Do you suffer from substance use disorder?

  • You have a hard time maintaining harm reduction or abstinence goals

  • Your personal relationships suffer due to your substance use

  • You have trouble maintaining your professional obligations

  • You have trouble controlling the amount and/or frequency of your use

  • Is your substance affecting other people? Are people complaining about your substance use?

    This is for you if:

  • You’re ready to make lasting change

  • You are able to maintain your harm reduction or abstinence goals, but you still have trouble maintaining healthy relationships

  • Regardless of substance use, you still have trouble finding meaning in your life. Is life still painful?

  • Your thoughts are still out of control even if you are sober

What you’ll walk away with at this workshop

You’ll learn about the Meditation x Addiction approach to substance use disorders. It’s an effective strategy for relapse prevention and we’ll introduce you to how students address addiction through the attachment lens. You’ll learn about the four modules that are the next step in this journey: carving and urging; stress, anger and depression; persistant negative emotions; and difficult interpersonal relationships.

You’ll understand how this evidence-based system combines ongoing meditation practice, the relapse pattern theory of G. Alan Marlatt, PhD and John Bowlby’s psychological model of Attachment Theory.

“When you come right down to it, addiction is an emotional regulation strategy. Working through meditation and addressing my own unhealthy attachment strategies, I was able to shift them in a way the has made my life meaningful. Now I’ve been sober for 40 years and this process has made my life something I’m excited to get up and go do. This is the piece that was missing before.”

- George Haas, Founding Teacher

Meditation x ADDICTION
FRIDAY, January 19
7pm PT (approx. 75 min.)