October is almost here. Or maybe time is half-inching along what with the pandemic, smoke from epic fires, and the pending shitshow election, and it felt like it would never get here. Sigh. When in the past we might have looked to Halloween to lighten our spirits…this year maybe social distancing will require alterations. Glum faces on our children and youth. Perhaps we should burn our Daruma dolls early this year?
Two young monks are arguing about a flag. One monk says, “The flag is moving.” The other monk says, “The flag is not moving, the wind is moving.” A very senior monk just happens to be walking by (don’t ask, this is a Zen story) and overhearing the young monks, he says, “The flag is not moving; the wind is not moving; the mind is moving.” The monks look at each other and think simultaneously, “WTF?”
Just as I complete the first, full inhale of the New Year—it is February. I sat with Shinzen on his year-end retreat for the first time in many years. He talked a lot about math, so I thought I would use his advanced mathematics platform to offer some basic arithmetic on why the older we get the faster everything seems to be going. (Or maybe it is just the nature of downhill?)
The first is that Dr. Dan Brown will be presenting the preliminary findings for our study comparing his Three Pillars approach to repairing attachment disturbances with Mettagroup’s The Meaningful Life curriculum at the 2019 London – Congress Attachment & Trauma – Relationships, Consciousness And The Developing Self conference.