Early Care and Attachment Conditioning

George outlines how early care during infancy and early childhood has a profound effect on the attachment style that will emerge later in life for an adult. An equally informative listen for anybody exploring their own attachment style, or for those providing care to children themselves.

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Cultivating Authentic Connections

In the modern world, it’s often more difficult than we think to cultivate meaningful, authentic personal relationships. This episode explores why that’s the case, why it’s important to make those connections, and how there’s actually a lot of scientific study that illustrates all of this.

If you would like to engage in the practice of dāna (generosity), you are invited to support Mettagroup on Patreon, or you can make a one-time direct contribution

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Metta Practice

Captured live on retreat, George breaks down what metta (loving-kindness) meditation practice is, how to do it, and why it’s valuable. Along the way we find out about the differences between “wet” and “dry” practice, and how the Theravada approach to metta differs from the Tibetan.

If you would like to engage in the practice of dāna (generosity), you are invited to support Mettagroup on Patreon, or you can make a one-time direct contribution

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Developing Automatic Compassion

Relationships are about balance - but it’s not always equal. When a partner cannot properly mentalize to self-regulate, responding with compassion and attending to their needs in the moment can be mutually beneficial. George breaks down the how and why in this excerpt from his Meditation x Attachment for Relationships daylong “Coupling for Couples.”

If you would like to engage in the practice of dāna (generosity), you are invited to support Mettagroup on Patreon, or you can make a one-time direct contribution

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The ability to mentalize - being aware of your own mind state as well as that of another person - is one of the key components in being able to make meaningful connections and maintain healthy relationships. It also has deep spiritual underpinnings in Buddhism. George breaks down how this works and what it means.

If you’re looking to dive deeper into this subject, sign up for one of our current classes.

Coupling for Single People

Captured live in Los Angeles as a part of Mettagroup’s brand new Meditation x Attachment for Relationships series, this is an excerpt from a daylong exploring how and why attachment style affects our primary relationships. This daylong specifically focuses on how single people of all orientations can navigate their own existing style to find a primary relationship that is satisfying and healthy.

If you would like to engage in the practice of dāna (generosity), you are invited to support Mettagroup on Patreon, or you can make a one-time direct contribution

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Early Childhood Attachment and the Buddhist Path

George draws connections between the psychological attachment style established during early childhood and the components that make up the traditional Buddhist path.

If you would like to engage in the practice of dāna (generosity), you are invited to support Mettagroup on Patreon, or you can make a one-time direct contribution

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Understanding Attachment Conditioning

Finding true happiness can often seem insurmountable. The reason, in large part, is the attachment conditioning that happens during early life. George breaks down why this is the case, and how real change is possible.

If you would like to engage in the practice of dāna (generosity), you are invited to support Mettagroup on Patreon, or you can make a one-time direct contribution

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