
“We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” - T.S. Eliot

With a stable mind and open heart as a foundation, we will explore aspects of relational mindfulness: how you connect to others, and how you can be completely yourself in relationships and work; in other words, how to live a meaningful life.

Each day will include Dharma teachings with meditation instructions, as well as some longer, uninterrupted sits. This retreat is open to beginners and ongoing practitioners, and is encouraged for anyone seeking to deepen their meditation practice and bring greater insight into their daily life.

Daily Schedule:

7am-8:15am: Energizing Yoga
8:15am-9am Breakfast Break.
9am-10am: Instructions
10am-1pm: Sitting/Walking Meditation (or individual one-on-one)  
1pm-2pm: Lunch Break
2pm-6pm: Sitting/Walking Meditation (including optional 4 hour sit)
6pm-7:30pm: Dinner Break.
7:30-8:30pm: Guided IPF Meditation or Q&A
8:30-9:30pm: Yin Yoga

We will schedule students as bell ringers for the morning sits in the meditation space. George will be sitting in the afternoons.

Please complete the form below and then click "next" to enter your credit card info to reserve your spot. If you have any questions, need assistance registering, or have any special requests, please email or call us at 213-378-0489.