The first is that Dr. Dan Brown will be presenting the preliminary findings for our study comparing his Three Pillars approach to repairing attachment disturbances with Mettagroup’s The Meaningful Life curriculum at the 2019 London – Congress Attachment & Trauma – Relationships, Consciousness And The Developing Self conference.
Myanmar 2019
George talks to Daniel Ahearn from #YourZenLife about IPF
Meditation Interventions for the Addiction Process Overview (video)
Captured on Facebook Live, George gives a cohesive overview of the Meditation Interventions for the Addiction Process program. Read more about the program here.
"I Love You Keep Going" - The Inside Story (video)
George shares the surprising story behind his inspirational phrase, "I Love You Keep Going." Support our scholarship fund and get a bracelet with one of George's inspirational phrases here.
George Haas describes his path to sobriety (video)
George discusses his own path to sobriety - a journey he began 38 years ago, which ultimately led to meditation. If you or somebody you care about is dealing with addiction, meditation is a valuable tool worth exploring.
Why did the Buddhist cross the river? (video)
They always say to open with a joke, so here's the first blog post!